Saturday, December 20, 2008

Feeling Better

Steven and I came down with the flu this week - no fun! We both spent a good amount of time in bed and munching on popcicles. Thankfully, we were not sick at the same time and Preston had someone 'healthy' to look after him. We are hoping and praying that he does not get sick. So far, so good. Its such a bummer to get the flu - even when you have had your annual flu shot like we did. The same thing happened last year... I thought they 'got it right' this year. Anyway, I hope we stay healthy for the rest of the winter.

Other news in the Dalbey house is that Preston began eating some rice cereal this week. He did great and not too much food ended up on him. I am enjoying feeding Preston via a spoon and watching him try to much on the soupy cereal. (Random note - I bought the organic rice cereal because it was only 10 cents more than the other stuff. Not bad at all). He is getting the hang of it - slowly. I will make a point to post some video tomorrow in our 'weekend update' report. For now, enjoy the picture of Preston when he found out about Santa.


Anonymous said...

dear steve and katrina,
hey! its been awhile. i love reading your blog and see whats up. I miss u guys so much...a lot has been going on with me and one of those things is i became a christian...i know weird i thought i was one before..i rather explain details in person. I am so glad preston is growing up healthy and funny like his parents :) love the videos lol well email me when you get the chance at:


Anonymous said...

p.s read my blog please!!!