Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Our Christmas Tree

This year our Dalbey family Christmas tree is very special.  It is a Fraser Fur Tree and super soft.  That, however, it not what makes it special.  What does make it special?  
No, it doesn't have all new ornaments and lights.  
No, our tree does not have a theme.  
Actually, our tree is one big mix of colors and ornaments from various people and places.  
So what makes our tree so special?  
Our tree is special because of what it represents.  It represents hope and God's provision for our family.  Its no secret that this has been an interesting year for the Dalbey family.  Last December our family was grieving and in a lot of pain.  Steven had just ended a painful season at work and was about to embark on a new adventure.  Steven and I were scared...and that is putting it lightly.  This year has been a year of learning to trust in so many new ways.  First we have learned to trust that God can heal our broken and wounded hearts.  This means a lot of grief.  Thankfully, we are in the process of healing and have felt so much love and encouragement from our family and close friends.  Second, we have learned to trust that God will provide our most basic needs.  Yes, things have been very tight this year.  Learning to ONLY buy what you need (food, gas and toiletries) has been very hard.  Some weeks I only had $60 to buy groceries.  Somehow, we have made it through and my kids are still growing.  Finally, we have learned to be thankful.  Even though we don't get to buy cute clothes at Target, take a vacation, go out to eat every other day or pick up random things whenever you want doesn't mean that we are not happy or have what we need.  I confess, I have been jealous and angry at those who have more than I do.  I am so sorry.  I must remind myself of so many good things.  For example, the Lord has provided a way for our son to go to Preschool 3 days a week.  We are so thankful.  Another example of God's provision is that many families have donated gently used clothes to our children.   I have not had to buy ANY clothing items for Peyton and she is almost 2 years old.  I am so thankful.  
So, this year our tree is soft and beautiful and cost $38 dollars vs. $18.  Yes, we splurged.  We decided to get the nice tree as a reminder that God is good, he does provide and  we are thankful for his most precious gift of a Savior for us.  We are also hopeful that 2013 will be a year of encouragement and continual healing.  

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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