Monday, April 21, 2008


Please answer the following question:
In the Dalbey house, Spring has arrived when...
a. You can safely plant flowers outside without the fear of frost
b. Wearing flip flops occures on a daily basis
c. The dogs start eating the green grass
d. All of the above

If you know Steven and I well, your answer would be d. We love planting flowers on our front porch each spring. Steven's job is keeping them alive because I do not have the gift with plants. You can also see us wearing our Chaco flip flops everyday. I think I need to get another pair... The dogs also like to play in the back yard and eat the grass. There isn't much grass growing in the back yard, but they eat whatever they can. Here is a picture of our house this spring!

1 comment:

The Fearless Fowler said...

Where do y'all get your Chaco's? This little Fowler is looking for a pair...