Tuesday, October 7, 2008

For his good

Today, Steven and I took Preston to the Pediatrician for his 2 month check up. We are happy to report that he weighs 12 pounds 1 oz and is 24 inches long. The Dr. examined him and said that he looks healthy and happy - we would agree. As you can see by this photo, Preston continues to grow and explore his environment. He is lifting his head up more each day, sucking on his fingers, reaching for toys and makes all sorts of baby sounds. I swear, I think this kid is about to start talking in sentences. Oh yes, did I mention that he loves to smile - a lot!

Now, the title of this post is 'for his good' because Preston had to experience something today that he did not like. He had to recieve 2 shots in his legs. Oh, it was sad to watch Preston go from a happy and content baby to a crying baby. Now, these shots are for his good. They will prevent serious diseases such as Polio and Tetanus. I think, however, that these shots are but a small picture of things to come. There will be times in life that Preston will have to experience things that he does not like but they will be 'for his good'. Perhaps it will be working on a difficult project at school, saying sorry to a friend, or even sharing something with a member of his family. Steven and I, as his parents, will be there to care for him and help him learn and grow through these experiences because we love him. Just like we took Preston to the Dr. for his shots, we will do our best to take Preston through each day and learn things that will be for his good.

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