Monday, January 26, 2009

Weekend Update

Reflections from Katrina:
It was a restful weekend for the Dalbey Trio. Here is a run down of our 'activities'. On Friday night, Steven and I did absolutely nothing! We watched a movie, ate ice cream and chilled out. Doing nothing was wonderful and we agreed that this needs to happen more often. On Saturday, we invited Grammie and Papa Dalbey over for lunch and an afternoon to hang out with one another. We played scrabble and just enjoyed being with one another. After they left, Steven and I did some laundry and a bit of cleaning around our house. Sunday is Sunday and Steven and I always have responsibilites at Church but things went well and we were able to spend some time together again on Sunday afternoon. So, instead of starting our week feeling a bit worn out, I think we started our week feeling a bit better.
Reflections from Steven:
Snow Day!!! I have always loved snow days, dating way back to my earliest days in school (considering my favorite subject was recess for a long time, I don't think this would surprise you to learn that I still love snow days). I am looking forward to introducing Preston to snow and watching his reactions as he discovers this cold white precipitation for the first time. It has been amazing to have a front row seat watching just how quickly Preston has been growing and changing. His personality is emerging more and more each day. I sure love being a father and a husband. It is a wonderful, mysterious, challenging, celebration that is something I wouldn't change for anything. I love my wife, and son, and I am so thankful for them. One last thing, I am strongly looking forward to the Superbowl this year, Go Steelers!!

1 comment:

Leah Warren said...

Love hearing from both of you!