Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The garden

Yesterday was a FREE day at the Missouri Botanical Garden to celebrate the anniversary of Henry Shaw's Birthday.  When I hear the word FREE and the Botanical Garden in the same sentence I don't care how hot it is outside - we are going!  Don't worry, I took the kids at 9am and only stayed for an hour.  It was about 90 degrees when I left the Garden and we went straight to the Smoothie store for a nice cool beverage.  This heat is a huge bummer but still enjoyed our trip the Garden.  Here are a few pictures.  First, the sign out front to advertise abou the Lantern Festival.  Super cool.  I need to head back at night. 
Preston really liked the huge dragon! 
This is just a cool spot near the Japanese Garden.  I like the view!  
No trip to the Missouri Botanical Garden would be complete without stopping to sit on the sheep/ram.  Preston can now ride the big ram.  So sweet.  
Peyton still loved the babies.  
Both kids on for a ride.  
We also took a trip inside the Children's Garden to play.  Here, Preston had the opportunity to plant some lettuce.  He takes his gardening job very seriously.  
He also took the time to help water the plants.  Such a good helper. 
Finally, a nice view of the rose Garden before we left.  So beautiful.  

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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