Wow! What a busy but exciting weekend. Here is our weekend update:
Friday night: Nothing much took place. Steven and I took the kids to the mall so that I could get a new pair of shoes with a Birthday gift card. Random thought - the Galleria mall is very pleasant on Friday evenings now that their is a curfew in place. Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult. This made our excursion very enjoyable.
Saturday: This day was super busy. We loaded up the kids in the car and went out looking to find Steven a car. Good news to report. We found Steven another VW Diesel Jetta. This is the same year as Steven's original Jetta (2006) but it only has $33,000 miles on it versus the 110,000 + miles on his 'old' car. We also received a decent settlement from our insurance company and were able to put a good amount down on the car. We are so thankful.
After all the paperwork and the 4+ hours at the car dealership we headed off to a graduation party. Steven's cousin, Ben Perrin, just graduated with his MAC from Covenant Seminary. Praise the Lord. Here is a picture of the MAC boys :)
Here is a picture of me with Abby. Abby is Ben's sister in law. Our girls are only 2 weeks apart. It was so sweet to see them and visit for a short while.
After the party I headed west to celebrate a graduation for a dear friend and former youth group student. Maggie just graduated high school and will be heading to Samford University in the fall. I have known Maggie and her family for about 7 years and am so thankful for all our time together.
Sunday morning, the kids were exhausted and slept in till 7:45am. Little did they know that Sunday would be another busy but fun day. Oh yes, I forgot to mention that Saturday was my Birthday. I turned 32 - yikes. Don't worry, I'm not at all bummed that we didn't do anything extra special for my Birthday. I am thankful to have my husband, children, family, friends and much more. I felt loved. Here is Peyton before she woke up on Sunday morning. I don't know about you but I certanily don't find this position comfortable while I am sleeping. I guess it works for our little girl.
Here is a picture of Preston on Sunday morning. This child almost never uses a blanket - whatever.
On Sunday was our annual all Church family picnic. It was a BLAST!!! There was yummy food, games for kids, water slides, snow cones, etc... What a blessing. We feel very much at home here and are deeply thankful. Here is Preston man and the bubble station.
Here is Preston with his buddy, Caleb. They are only 4 months apart.
Here is Preston going down the huge water slip n slide.
Ok, this picture is from Preston performance with Peeps this morning. Peeps is the mom's day out program that our kids go to during the week while I go to work. It was super sweet to hear Preston sing songs with his friends. While I am excited for Preston to start preschool in the fall, we will miss our Peeps friends.
Oh yes, here is the finshed look in our reading room. The alphabet is back on the wall and the books are back on the shelf. The room feels SO MUCH BETTER! It's amazing what a fresh coat of paint can do to a room.
Here is the view of the bookshelf. I added some frames/pictures to the wall.
Finally, I took the kids to Forest Park this afternoon to play. We explored the Muny area and the kids had a blast running around on the grass. They are so sweet and I can tell that they love each other very much.